Boarding Bulldog Emma
Emma the Bulldog is one of our regular boarders. On a break from play during her one on one time.
Bitsy the Bulldog watching movies in the office
Bitsy likes cuddling up and watching movies in the office during her personal time.
When you have pets there are many considerations to keep in mind, especially when you go away on business or for a vacation. Pet boarding offers your pet a safe and enjoyable place to stay when you must be away.

Local grooming shops and veterinarians often offer pet boarding services as well as your pet sitting hotels and kennels. Your groomer or veterinarian may also be able to recommend a responsible and reliable experienced pet sitter or two if you would like to look into that as an option of caring for your dog or cat while you must be away.

Pet boarding offers an easy solution to those who need someone outside of family and/or friends to take care of their pets or prefer a place where their pet will get more attention and supervision than a pet sitter dropping by for an hour or two. Pet boarding facilities are good choices because they are establishments with a good amount of staff members who will take good care of your pet while you are gone.

In addition to feeding, watering and generally caring for your pet in your absence, pet boarding
facilities also play with your dog or cat, exercise them, keep a close eye on them and keep them safe the entire time you are gone. Some pet boarders will even offer grooming and training options to their pet guests.

This allows you to enjoy your vacation or get work done on your business trip and not have to worry about your playful pup or frisky feline being alone and lonely too much of the time. The constant supervision means that anything your pet might need can be acquired quickly while being boarded.

Some facilities allow groups of boarding dogs to play together.  While this may sound wonderful to you at first, it is important to consider the general tendency of dogs and their behaviors and especially while in groups.

This frequently leads to fights and injuries even with supervision and dogs of similar sizes. Consider the frequency of fights and injuries at dog parks for a similar situation. Even the sweetest dog in the world with no history of ever so much as snapping or snarling or the slightest growl can react like a dog and can defend or even become an aggressor in the right situation. Dogs will be dogs and communicate like dogs and can react like, well, dogs. 

If you do choose a place that allows play time with other people’s dogs you may want to be sure they are in more manageable groups with dogs and breeds of compatible temperament and personalities and supervised by experienced animal handlers knowledgeable in breeds and canine behavior and training. 

For safety reasons, here at the Grooming Boutique interactions and play groups are minimalized.  We also find that the dogs seem to enjoy their 'people' and 'personal' time much more than running in large groups where things can quickly become chaos and downright dangerous.  

Happy Traveling!
Cat grooming
Even Cat's can often over heat here in Las Vegas in the summer
Pug dog Otto
Otto's teenage human 'uncle' was informed that he had a 15 to 20 minute lifespan when left outside so not to put him out and wait for 'dad' to get home.
English Bulldog puppy
Bulldogs are well known for overheating. Flat or smashed face animals can overheat faster.
The heat is already rising here in Las Vegas and it can be a problem for our pets. We'd like to remind you to remember to keep your pets safe and happy in the summer heat.

Pets in Cars
Even a minute in a car unattended can kill your dog or cat here in Las Vegas in the summer. Temperatures can reach well over 100-130 degrees in a sitting vehicle very quickly even with a window cracked. Better not to take your pets with you if you may need to leave them in the car alone at all.

Activities in the Summer Heat and Ground Temperatures
Summer activities such as dog parks, hiking and even daily walks can be tricky. If you go for daily walks with your dog or cat try switching to earlier morning or later evening. Beware of the temperature of the pavement and sidewalks and especially in the afternoons. It is scorching having soaked up all the sun and heat of the day and can reach around and over 150 degrees by even early afternoon before it's at its hottest. Some stylish booties may be in order to help prevent pets outdoors from burning and blistering their 'bare' feet.

Heat Stroke
Both our dogs and cats have a high incidence of heat stroke or heat exhaustion here in Las Vegas in the spring and summer so be sure to keep an eye out and take precautions. Heat stroke can kill our pets quickly and suddenly. Some pets may have factors that make them more susceptible such as Persian Cats, Bulldogs, Pugs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Boxer's and other dog and cat breeds with more smashed or flat faces. Older Pets also have a harder time dealing with the heat.

Some signs of heat stroke may be;
·  heavy panting
· hyperventilation (deep breathing)
· increased salivation early then dry gums as the heat prostration progresses
·  weakness
· confusion or inattention
·  vomiting or diarrhea
·  sometimes bleeding
·  obvious paleness or graying to the gums
·  shallowing breathing
·  slowed, barely or not breathing
·  vomiting and diarrhea that may be bloody
·  seizures or coma

If you see signs of heat stroke please call your veterinarian immediately. Be aware that dousing your pet with very cold water or attempting to force them to drink large amounts of very cold water may cause your pet additional harm. Only cool or lukewarm water should be used for wetting
down your pet if you suspect over heating.

Here's hoping a safe and wonderful summer to you and your pets!


    June 2012


    Boston Terrier
    French Bulldog
    Pet Safety
    Shih Tzu
    Summer Heat